Professor Jod S Mehta
BSc (Hons.), MBBS, PhD, FRCOphth, FRCS (Ed), FAMS
Distinguished Professor in Clinical Innovation in Ophthalmology, SNEC
Head Corneal and External Eye Disease Service, Senior Consultant Refractive Service,
Singapore National Eye Centre,
Deputy Executive Director, Head Tissue Engineering and Stem Cells Group,
Singapore Eye Research Institute
Deputy Vice Chair (Research) of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme,
SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre (AMC)
Professor, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School,
Adj Prof, School of Material Science & Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
Adj Prof, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, National University of Singapore
Auditório 01 - Baía de todos os Santos
09:00 às 10:30 - Simpósio Refrativa - Hottest em Cirurgia Refrativa
09:00 às 09:12 - Longterm Dennervation After SMILE and LASIK
Palestrante Internacional Virtual (Confirmado)
Sala Barra (T3)
14:00 às 15:30 - Extração de Lentícula Corneal com Finalidade Refrativa: Tudo Sobre
14:56 às 15:04 - Extração da Lenticula corneana com o Z8 Clear
Palestrante (Confirmado)
Auditório 01 - Baía de todos os Santos
09:00 às 10:30 - Simpósio Refrativa - The International Society of Refractive Surgery Symposium During Brascrs 2022: Excellence In Refractive Surgery
09:30 às 09:40 - PRK, SMILE or LASIK – Which one?
Palestrante Internacional Virtual (Confirmado)