Since 2007, Prof. Damien Gatinel, MD, Ph.D., has held the position of Head of the Anterior and Refractive Surgery Department at the Rothschild Foundation in Paris. Additionally, he serves as an Associate Professor in Ophthalmology at the International University of Health Sciences, located in Rabat, Morocco. His research mainly focuses on IOL optical design, IOL power calculation, mathematical modeling of laser refractive surgical procedures, applications of AI in ocular anterior segment pathology, astigmatism correction, and the detection of subclinical keratoconus. He holds a Ph.D. in applied mathematics and devised a new classification for ocular optical aberrations. He owns several patents, including the first diffractive trifocal IOL design (e.g., FineVision IOL), for which he was discerned with the title Knight of the Order of the Crown from the Kingdom of Belgium. Dr. Gatinel is a board member of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS), the Research Committee of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS). and the French Society of Refractive and IOL Surgery (SAFIR). He serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Refractive Surgery. He has received over 22 international awards, including 17 Best Paper of Session won during ASCRS meetings. Dr. Gatinel has published more than 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals and edited or co-edited five books. In 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023, he was listed among the 100 top-ranking most influential ophthalmologists (Power List, The Ophthalmologist magazine).
Praia de Copacabana - Sala 01
08:30 às 10:00 - Selecionando a LIO Ideal
09:30 às 09:42 - Impacto das aberrações esféricas corneanas e do diâmetro da pupila no desempenho de lentes premium e EDOF
Teatro Municipal - Sala 04
14:15 às 15:45 - EDOF... IT!: O que esperar em termos de resultados visuais e como incorporar a indicação na sua prática
15:15 às 15:25 - Edof vs Multifocal
Pedra da Gávea - Sala 09
10:45 às 12:15 - Minhas dicas para indicar Refrativa
11:45 às 12:00 - Como melhorar os resultados do LASIK para hipermetropia alta
Grande Auditório – Maracanã 1
14:15 às 15:45 - Copa do Mundo BRASCRS de LIOs Premium
14:24 às 14:27 - Jogador Francês
Cristo Redentor - Sala 08
16:30 às 18:00 - Ceratocone sem Censura
17:00 às 17:10 - Demonstração do papel causal do esfregar dos olhos no ceratocone
Grande Auditório – Maracanã 2
08:30 às 10:00 - Abrindo a caixa preta: cirurgia refrativa ilimitada
09:00 às 09:10 - A definir